Tales of True Love

(aka our Blog)

Unwrapping the Power of Goldenseal and Echinacea

In a world inundated with skin care products promising miraculous results, it’s easy to overlook what truly matters – the ingredients. For years, I was immersed in the realm of skin care, experimenting, researching, and inventing products. Little did I know that this journey would lead me to a profound realization about our skin’s relationship with the ingredients we apply to it.

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Victory Against Eczema

Today, I want to talk to you about something that hits very close to home for me: eczema. It’s not just a skin condition; it’s a journey of heartache, frustration, and countless sleepless nights. I’ve walked this path with my own son, and I know the agony of feeling utterly helpless as you watch your little one suffer. But it’s a battle I’ve won, and I want to show you how to find victory yourself!

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Discovering the Skin Care Secrets of Rosemary

When I first ventured into the realm of skin care innovation, little did I know that my path would lead me to a profound revelation about the interconnections between healthy skin and overall well-being. It all began with a simple realization – our skin (our body’s largest organ) acts not only as a shield against radiation & microbes; but also as a gateway, absorbing compounds directly into our bloodstream.

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Dive into Liquid Bliss

Picture this: You, surrounded by nature, soaking in a warm, inviting natural jacuzzi – a mineral hot springs pool. The experience not only feels like a slice of paradise but comes with a plethora of benefits that make it a wellness wonderland. Join me on a journey as I spill the secrets of hot springs and introduce you to my homemade remedy for when the hot springs are out of reach.

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A Zesty Drop of Mother Nature

Picture this – a little sprig of green magic that not only boasts a lemony aroma but also carries a host of benefits for your skin, mind, and body. Enter Lemon Balm, the unsung hero in the world of herbal remedies. My journey with this delightful herb began when my daughter found herself in the unfortunate cycle of cold sores. Determined to create a solution that was not only effective but also enjoyable, I stumbled upon the wonders of Lemon Balm.

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