Auto Ship – Rescue Pack
$84.00 / month
Uses: Eczema, Keratosis, Psoriasis, Other Rashes
The True Love Rescue Pack is the ultimate in extreme rash care. Combining the potent direct nutrition of Spot Paste nightly, and the soothing calm of Nourishing Balm daily, your rash doesn't stand a chance!
Spot Paste is one our flagship products. Using this all-natural, pain-free remedy where your rashes impact you the most, give you a fighting chance to have your skin start rejuvenating itself, bringing back soft, glowing and comfortable skin.
Nourishing Balm is the last remedy you'll use, and the first to start loving the skin you are in. We have taken extra care in creating a remedy that works faster and longer than anything else. So if you game for trying out another option, and have not lost hope on enjoying life without the itching and burning, give True Love Nourishing Balm a shot.