Tales of True Love

(aka our Blog)

The Lip Balm Dilemma

We’ve all been there – slathering on waxy lip balm in hopes of achieving soft, kissable lips, only to find ourselves still grappling with dry, cracked skin. What gives? Let’s dive into the lip balm mystery and uncover why most lip balms fall far short and can even become addictive without delivering the promised results.

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 6 Reasons Winter Is Tough on Our Skin 

A Winter Wonderland may be beautiful, but our skin might not agree! As the temperatures drops, and the air becomes crisp, our skin faces a myriad of challenges. In this light-hearted blog post, let’s explore six reasons why winter is particularly hard on our skin and how we can combat the seasonal struggles.

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A Joyful Glow

Peppermint, Spruce, & Frankincense for Festive Skin Bliss! ‘Tis the season to be jolly! And what better way to celebrate Christmas than by pampering your loved ones with the enchanting benefits of peppermint, spruce, and frankincense!

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